Whitworth (my home town) in Rossendale - Lancashire
Desktop Wallpaper

All the images below are available as desktop wallpaper (1024x768 size only). The average file size is 147K per picture. Click on the 'thumbnail' picture below, then right click the enlarged picture to save it as a background wallpaper on your computer's desktop.

Visit - Keep Whitworth Tidy (Facebook page) - A group of like minded volunteers whose aim is to tidy up areas of Whitworth on a regular basis with litter picks. New helpers, including families, are always welcome.

Healey Dell - the 4 seasons

Fact 1:- No fewer than 6 of Britain's 12 National Parks are within a two hours' drive of Whitworth. They are - the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales to the north, the Peak District to the south, Snowdonia to the west, and Northumberland and the North York Moors to the east.

For more about Whitworth, visit these pages - Whitworth Rossendale, Whitworth in winter and the Whitworth museum.

Brown Wardle Hill, the surrounding moors, St. Bartholomew's Church
and the Red Lion Square (conservation area)

Fact 2:- There 41 AONBs (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) in England and Wales. Six are within a two hours' drive. These are ..... The Forest of Bowland, Arnside and Silverdale, Nidderdale, The Howardian Hills, the Clwydian Range and Cannock Chase.

For more about Whitworth, visit these pages - Whitworth Rossendale, Whitworth in winter and the Whitworth museum.

Cowm Reservoir

Fact 3:- The coast is an hour's drive from Whitworth. Resorts include Blackpool, Southport and Formby (home of the native red squirrel). The Bronte village of Haworth, and Pendle (home of the infamous Pendle witches) are even closer! The Pendle village of Downham has been used as a film location for the classic Hayley Mills film Whistle Down the Wind and the TV series Born and Bred.

For more about Whitworth, visit these pages - Whitworth Rossendale, Whitworth in winter and the Whitworth museum.


Bird's eye view of Whitworth - Images © GoogleEarth & DigitalGlobe
( Click on any of the 3 Google images below to enlarge to 800x600 wallpaper size )

Picture 1 - an overall view of Whitworth
Picture 2 - east to west Cowm Reservoir to Long Acres Drive
Picture 3 - Spring Mill and Wallbank
An overall view of Whitworth
( The bigger picture is 74K )
The centre and north
( The bigger picture is 96K )
The south
( The bigger picture is 98K )

The three aerial views of Whitworth are screen grabs from the free software - Google Earth. Picture one above can be downloaded as desktop wallpaper in either 800x600 or 1024x768 size. The images are © 2005 Digital Globe and Google. Not all parts of the world are shown in such detail, but if your computer and Internet connection are fast enough, you will be amazed at Google Earth. Be warned though ... flying all over the world (and not just to Beautiful Britain) is addictive!

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